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Beat the Streamer


One of the most important challenges in the history of JDM. A group of our content creators friends set their records, and the task of our community members was simply to best them. Easier said than done! Among our streamers we had creators such as MARQUIS, Gucio1846, Pan Tutaj, neutreN, TAT GOR, MSX, Dec Games, LPN05, DiePixelHelden, polman, who did really, really well! The top 6 scores (3 from Grip and 3 from Drift categories) were rewarded with unique roles on our Discord server and JDM game keys.


Event date: October 16, 2024

Event Announcements: Contest Launch, Results

Winners: Drift – Hikkoid, WilliamSS85, Julien / Grip – Kapien, NetRex_Mohito, Pietterson